It has always been difficult to track vehicles, even though the need always existed. Since a long time, such technology has been in use in the military. Speeding missiles can be tracked across thousands of miles, and their position can be pin-pointed at any time. It is the same with jets and other machinery. However, it took a long time to come to civillian uses. But finally, it is here. If you business has a lot of vehicles moving around, then you will find this post quite interesting.
If you want a solution, the answer is
GPS Insight vehicle tracking system.
The GPS Insight is a vehicle tracking system which uses satellites and AT&T/T-Mobile to provide you with highly accurate vehicle locations each and every 2 minutes throughout the US and Canada. Verify your exact coverage with the AT&T Coverage Tool.
It provides you details to report on Activity Detail ,Fuel Consumption, Speed Violations, Vehicle Performance, Landmark Activity ,Odd Hours, Geofence Violation and many others.The GPS Insight provides you tracking updates of your vehicle through GPS and through mobile communications.It also includes
GPS Insight support wiki for customers.
GPS Insight is also having a blog in which you can clarify your questions and other details . you just visit the
Blog for GPS vehicle tracking. Get tracked all time.All the best ....enjoy... all the very best.